Hampshire-born Radio One DJ Scott Mills says pop Queen Madonna may have had her day.

Madonna doesn't have any 17-year-old fans, according to the Mills, a former pupil at Crestwood School, in Eastleigh .

The Radio 1 stalwart admitted: 'I don't think we play Madonna anymore.

'There is a lot of research, and if you ask a 17-year-old about her, they go “don't care” ... it's a sign of the times.'

He added: 'Things change. It's a generational thing. I like Madonna, but does a 17-year-old? She's [Madonna] probably not at the top of their list.'

Mills, 39, warned the pop chameleon she failed to reinvent herself successfully this time around at the age of 54.

He added: “And that's horrible, but that is the way it is. Youth audiences are so fickle in what they like and don't like, and they're quite opinionated.

”You have got to keep on top of that.”

The radio presenter was in Southampton over weekend to promote his autobiography Love You Bye: My Story during a book signing at the city's Waterstones, in WestQuay .