DEMONSTRATORS have been marching in Southampton this afternoon over fears that rail jobs and services will be cut and privatised.

The Rail, Maritime and Transport union (RMT) organised rally has been protesting against cost-saving proposals laid out in a Government-sponsored value-for-money report by transport expert Sir Roy McNulty.

It claims the plans could lead to as many as 20,000 jobs slashed from the railways, leading to the closure of ticket offices and removal of train guards and platform staff.

RMT general secretary Mick Cash said: “The march and rally in Southampton on Saturday are part of RMT’s growing national campaign against attacks on rail jobs, safety and services, against the greed and exploitation of the private rail companies and in support of the call for the entire rail network to be brought back into public ownership.”

RMT president Peter Pinkney also attended the demo. CLICK VIDEO BELOW FOR HIS COMMENT. 


Marchers assembled at Blechynden Terrace/Wyndham Place opposite Southampton Central station before moving off at 10.30am for a rally from 11.45am in Guildhall Square.

Among the speakers will be Mr Cash and Southampton city councillor Keith Morrell.