A VIOLENT thug left the manager of a Southampton McDonald's with a broken jaw after staff refused to serve him. 

Adam Bobrowski walked into Shirley McDonald's and grabbed the manager into a headlock before punching him multiple times, a court heard.

The attack came after staff refused to serve him and his friends due to their behaviour at the drive-through.

Prosecuting, Tom Wilkins said the 29-year-old entered the restaurant on the evening of October 25 and began speaking to the manager. 

But when he was told he would not be served, he spat in the man's face before attacking him. 

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The victim was taken to hospital that day where he underwent surgery for a broken jaw. 

In a statement read out in court, he said he has stitches in his bottom lip and around his teeth and his gum has been sewn together. 

He said his mouth is "incredibly painful" and he had to take 16 weeks off work as a result. 

Daily Echo: Adam Bobrowski.Adam Bobrowski. (Image: Hampshire Constabulary.)

"My teeth are now permanently realigned reversing five years of orthodontic treatment," he said. 

"I have no sensation in my gum at the site of the break due to likely nerve damage. 

"I feel constantly anxious. I am unable to complete all the duties that I would prior to the assault."

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Mr Wilkins added that the victim was on a liquid diet for weeks but eating remained "extremely painful".

Babrowski, of Coxford Road, Southampton pleaded guilty to assault by beating, wounding/inflicting grievous bodily harm and breaching a community order.

The court heard how he has multiple past convictions including theft and criminal damage, battery and assault occasioning actual bodily harm, all occurring in the past 10 years.

Daily Echo: McDonald's, Shirley.McDonald's, Shirley. (Image: Newsquest)

Judge Peter Henry told Bobrowski: "You are a violent person", adding that he "cannot see how things have changed" since his previous offending. 

But mitigating, Chris Gager said his client "does need help in the community" and the offence was "blown massively out of proportion by his actions". 

"He is not intending to cause him any serious harm."

Judge Henry jailed Bobrowski for 21 months. 

He added: "The facts of this case are quite unacceptable. [You] have caused him extremely unpleasant injuries. 

"I have no reason to think that there is a sufficient prospect of rehabilitation."