Thick black plumes of smoke billowed out over the the Itchen Bridge in Southampton after a lorry trailer caught fire.

The trailer - under the bridge in Woolston near Northern Anchorage - erupted into flames on Sunday evening.

A police cordon was in place while crews tackled the blaze. Residents told the Echo the trailer had been used by children, and one said a man lived in the trailer. It's unclear how long it has been there.

Charred remains of the trailer were all that was left with firefighters leaving a small cordon in place after 8pm.

READ MORE: Southampton fire breaks out as smoke billows over Itchen Bridge

A 54-year-old woman, who lives next to the scene but did not want to be named, told the  said: "We just heard a bang. I just looked out my window and saw the smoke. It has been there about eight months.

"It's been reported to the council several times and every Tom, Dick and Harry uses it. They even had a sofa in there.

"Even kids kept going in and out of it. It is not a nice thing to have there. Kids, drug addicts, alcoholics, homeless.

"It was abandoned about eight months ago. One day it wasn't there, the next day it was."

A 35-year old male resident, who did not want to be named, added: "It has never been locked up."

Another resident said a man had been living in the trailer.

The lorry trailer on fire.The lorry trailer on fire. (Image: Mauricio Casale)

The 38-year-old woman, of Northern Anchorage, said: "I could smell something in my house and I checked my electrics. I went on the balcony and just saw the smoke.

"That trailer has been there for two years and someone was living in it. He was a lovely guy, he didn't bother anyone. They (the firefighters) just pulled out a sofa.

"The wheels exploded. It went bang. It has been there for about two years.

"So much so there was graffiti all along the side of it. All the alarms were going off in my house."

A single police car was also present at the incident.