Unanimous support has been thrown behind plans for car parking fees at several countryside spots, despite concerns over the potential loss of visitors.

Hampshire County Council’s universal select committee debated (September 10) the introduction of parking fees at countryside parks due to the authority’s financial position, which has forecast a budget deficit of £175m for 2025/26.

These are set to be rolled out on A354 Martin Down, near Fordingbridge; Abbots Well Road in Frogham to Hyde Common near Fordingbridge; Crab Wood in Sarum Road, Winchester; Danebury Iron Age Hillfort (lower) near Stockbridge; Danebury Iron Age Hillfort (upper) near Stockbridge; Fort Nelson Overflow, near Portchester and Wall Lane, Silchester.

The proposal is one of the 13 included in the savings proposals which aims to create £17.5m of savings through service cuts and the imposition of new charges.

At the meeting, Councillor Kim Taylor expressed her concerns over the possible loss of visitors to countryside parks due to the fees.

Councillor Taylor said: “I would like to know whether we’re anticipating an impact on visitor numbers to these areas. I think people being able to visit areas at low cost is really quite important.”

She added that if the measure goes ahead, a review should be conducted to determine the consequences of decisions on “our residents’ ability to enjoy our areas”.

The committee unanimously supported the recommendation to introduce the fees, although the council has not yet confirmed how much drivers would be charged. In the public consultation, it asked for feedback on how people would feel about a charge of £1.80 to £2.10 or £3 for a two-hour stay.

It was added that the county council would try to maintain fees similar to those charged by the borough and district councils.

Cabinet members will make the final decision on October 14.