IT is perhaps the most middle class of sports. With strict dress codes, exclusive memberships and often hefty fees, golf has had a reputation as a pastime for the affluent.

But this week the Daily Echo revealed that one popular Hampshire course – Dunwood Manor Golf Club, near Romsey – is to close next month, 40 years after it opened.

Coming just days after The Masters tournament in America, which coupled with improving weather traditionally sees players flocking back to the courses, it was a stark warning that golf is not immune to the financial pressures affecting the whole country.

So is the sport about to see a collapse of Rory McIlroy proportions?

It’s certainly a long way from the boom times of a decade or so ago, when golf’s popularity was growing rapidly, and clubs virtually had to just open their doors, sit back and wait for new members to come flooding in.

Rob Climas, divisional manager at Crown Golf, which has Cams Hill, South Winchester and Paultons golf clubs in its portfolio, said there’s no doubt the recession has had an impact.

He said: “In the early to mid nineties there wasn’t enough golf courses, and plenty of golfers, so you didn’t have to try very hard and yet you still had waiting lists of a year or so to get into a club. But it’s a different ball game now.

“Around the turn of the century a lot of courses were built, but we didn’t necessarily have any more golfers.

“And now we’re having to work hard to keep hold of members.

“Many people might have given up their gym membership or Sky subscription, but the golf membership is a bridge too far.

“But those people are looking to get more value, and that’s a trend that we’re seeing at all our clubs, so we’re having to work a bit harder to give added value because membership needs to be justified.”

Crown has put together packages of discount deals for members with various local businesses and also offers redundancy cover – giving members six months’ grace on fees should they lose their job.

But it is bringing new blood into the sport that is seen as vital.

Cutting prices for juniors and introducing reduced rates for under-30s are amongst the popular tactics clubs across Hampshire are bringing in to attract new people to join.

And shorter versions of the game are designed to entice a new family market, in a similar way to that in which cricket has rebranded itself.

Paul Fuge, general manager at Southampton City Golf Course, said money isn’t the only pressure affecting would-be golfers’ decisions. He said: “It’s as much the time factor as the cost, because for people with kids who are working all week, it can then be hard to say I’m going to spend fourand- a-half hours on a round of golf.

“We’ve seen some encouraging footfall on the ninehole course, and there are some quicker forms of the game around now, like PowerPlay Golf, that are almost the equivalent of Twenty20 Cricket.”

Devised four years ago, PowerPlay Golf sees two flags on the greens of ninehole courses, and is designed to appeal to players of different abilities. It has been introduced with some success at several Hampshire courses.

But then, falling memberships at private courses doesn’t necessarily spell bad news for everyone in the sport.

Southampton City, which was renamed from the old municipal course when it was transferred from council control to private ownership six months ago, is one of the area’s biggest pay and play courses.

Paul said: “In a way it’s been good and bad for us.

“Our target group is generally a middle to lower income, and some of those people are experiencing financial difficulties, and I’m sure there are some golfers who are playing the game less now.

“But on the flipside of that, is some who were previously members of a private club but are now looking to save a few quid and play courses like ours, and that’s meant we do get quite a lot of green fee players now.

“Generally the experience here is a positive one.”

But Romsey Golf Club general manager Ben Stanbrough believes there are still plenty of things private clubs can do to weather the storm.

He said: “There has been a downturn, but so far we haven’t struggled here as such.

“It’s the people that are being proactive that are succeeding.

“Little things like reducing costs from breweries so we can pass on reductions to our members, that turns out to be very effective for the members.