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TIRED of waiting for a real White Christmas? One Hampshire village has decided to take matters into its own hands.

Businesses in Hythe are planning create a wintry scene for shoppers and visitors - by pumping out fake snow.

The idea has already got the backing of eight businesses which will position snow machines from their windows to fill the air with artificial flakes. More are expected to sign up.

Father Ray Lyons from the Waterside Business Partnership, which is promoting the initiative, said it would run on Saturday afternoons throughout December.

He told the Daily Echo: "Some of our children have never seen snow at Christmas.

"When we were testing it, the look on some faces was just wow'. It was remarkable the effect it had. People came out of shops and pubs and were taking photographs.

"We hope it will create something special for Hythe and attract families and children who have never seen snow before to spend money in our local shops.

"Hopefully we will get the whole of the town centre covered."

Helen Owers, market town co-ordinator for Hythe and Dibden Parish, said: "As far as I know nobody has done this before.

"These are the sort of machines used on movie sets. You can have a little snow to a blizzard and it settles. It should look spectacular."

She added: "My son is eight and he's never made a snowman. We had one afternoon when there was just about enough for a snowball."

The fake snow is a water-based foam that does not stain.

The snow machines will operate in High Street, Pylewell Precinct and The Marsh from Saturday.