The leader of Southampton City Council has announced changes to the cabinet team.

Several portfolio briefs have been altered, with three cabinet members now occupying ‘part-time’ positions.

The number of councillors in the executive has increased by one.

Cllr John Savage and Cllr Christie Lambert join as cabinet members for green city and net zero, and communities and safer city, respectively.

Former cabinet member for a safer city, Cllr Matt Renyard, was removed from the cabinet in the announcement made by leader Cllr Lorna Fielker at the annual general meeting on Wednesday, May 15.

After being re-elected uncontested as council leader, Cllr Fielker said: “I would like to give a resounding thanks to the residents of Southampton who once again put their trust in Labour to lead the council.

“However, it is always sad to lose hard-working councillors through this process and I would like to thank both Cllr Mintoff and Cllr Ugwoeme for their dedicated service to Southampton.

“I am looking forward to this municipal year and what we as a council can achieve for the city.”

The local elections on May 2 saw Labour’s majority on the city council reduce. Overall the party lost one seat, but it is still the largest group by far with 36 of the 51 councillors.

The Conservative group picked up an additional seat, taking their total to 10 councillors. The Liberal Democrats gained a councillor to increase their group to four, while there is one Green councillor.

Cllr Fielker said the three ‘part-time’ cabinet members will be entitled to 50 per cent of the executive member special responsibility allowance. The leader said this was due to the size of their portfolios.

The total allowance for cabinet has fallen by one-half of a full executive member special responsibility allowance compared to last year.

The council constitution states the executive member allowance is £13,900 in addition to the basic allowance of the same amount.

The full cabinet team and their portfolios are:

Cllr Lorna Fielker – leader

Cllr Simon Letts – finance and corporate services

Cllr Alexander Winning – children and learning

Cllr Eamonn Keogh – environment and transport

Cllr Sarah Bogle – economic development

Cllr Andy Frampton – housing operations

Cllr Anne Marie Finn – adults and health

Cllr John Savage – green city and net zero (part-time)

Cllr Christie Lambert – communities and safer city (part-time)

Cllr Toqeer Kataria – compliance and leisure (part-time)