Police are continuing to investigate a suspected murder in Southampton city centre which rocked the city on Sunday.

Yesterday, a 54-year-old man from Southampton remained in police custody as he was questioned by officers over the incident, which led to police stepping up patrols.

Police were first alerted at 8.45am, when they were told of a 42-year-old man 'requiring medical attention' at an address on Queens Terrace.

READ MORE: Queens Terrace, Southampton murder investigation: Full police statement

He was pronounced dead at the scene and the 54-year-old was arrested.

The incident led to a large swathe of the city centre being cordoned off - and while this cordon was taken down by yesterday, officers were seen on patrol in the area and going in and out of a building, believed to be the scene of the murder.

Now, police want to speak to anyone who may have been in the Queens Terrace area between 5pm on Saturday, May 11 and 9am on Sunday, May 12.

Daily Echo: Police continued to carryout enquires on Queens TerracePolice continued to carryout enquires on Queens Terrace (Image: NQ)Detective Inspector Howard Broadribb, who is leading the investigation, said: "Our thoughts remain with the family of the man who has died and specialist officers are supporting them as our enquiries progress.

"Officers will remain in the area over the coming days as we continue our work to understand the exact circumstances of what has taken place."

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He added: “We will continue our house to house enquiries and CCTV scoping, as well as remaining at the address in question. We would like to hear from anyone with information that may assist our investigation.

“If you were in the Queens Terrace area between 5pm on Saturday, 11 May and 9am on Sunday, 12 May and saw anything suspicious or out of place, we would like to hear from you.

“If you have seen something that may be relevant to our investigation, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, please call us on 101 quoting 44240198418 or Operation Staffa."

Those who live and work in the area continue to be shocked by what happened - with one person telling the Echo it was ‘awfully sad that somebody had died.’

One woman, who has worked at a business on Queens Terrace for three years, said: "It’s really surprising that this has gone on round here - it’s certainly not something that happens often.

"Thankfully, murder isn't something that happens too often in Southampton.

"We do have our odd crime when the football is on and people get rowdy. We have often had trouble with drug users in the park but never anything of this magnitude."