Two people have been arrested after illicit tobacco worth more than £7,000 was seized from Shirley Mini Market.

The premises were searched by Southampton City Council’s trading standards team in a joint operation with Hampshire Police between 11.30am and 12.30pm on Thursday, May 9.

A 49-year-old man from Southampton and a 26-year-old man from Portsmouth have been arrested following the raid.

A spokesperson for Southampton City Council said: “They remain under investigation for supplying illegal tobacco products.”

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Posting on X, the council said: “Southampton City Council’s trading standards team, working with Hampshire Police, have recently seized illicit tobacco with a value of over £7,000 from Shirley Mini Market.”

They added: “Officers found and seized a large quantity of counterfeit and duty evaded tobacco products concealed in a vehicle parked close to the premises.

“Two people have been arrested for the illegal supply of tobacco products and the vehicle is being seized and removed by police.”