A cast of 27 students are taking to the stage in their summer production of Legally Blonde this week.

The first and second year Richard Taunton Sixth Form College students, who are studying musical theatre triple, acting and dance, will be performing the show from Tuesday to Thursday (May 14 to 16) in The Hub Theatre at City College.

The hit musical, which is based on the film of the same name, tells of bubbly sorority girl Elle Woods, who is dumped by her boyfriend but defies expectations by charming her way into Harvard Law and achieving legal success on her own terms.

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Performing arts teacher Chloe Green said: “It’s a show that is filled with so much love, laughter and heart and we are so proud of our students for all they have achieved.”

First year musical theatre triple student Carley Wood plays the lead role alongside Charlie Morse as Warner. 

The show is being performed at 7.30pm each night. 

Tickets from ticketsource.co.uk/whats-on/southampton/the-hub-theatre/legally-blonde/e-vqrzpa