Two teenagers have been arrested after two men were allegedly attacked with a baton in Southampton

Police say they've arrested a 19-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy from Southampton on suspicion of attempting to cause grievous bodily harm following the alleged assault on Friday. 

It was reported that two men in their 30s suffered injuries after being confronted by two teenagers just before 7pm.

A machete was also reported to have been seen, though no one was stabbed. 

The 19-year-old man remains in police custody. 

READ MORE: Extra police powers after men attacked with baton

The 16-year-old boy has been released on conditional bail. 

Another 16-year-old from Southampton was previously arrested on suspicion of attempting to cause grievous bodily harm and possession of an offensive weapon in a public place.

He has been released on conditional police bail until August 11.

The incident prompted police to deploy additional stop and search powers in the Thornhill area. 

Five people were stopped and searched as a result though no weapons were seized.