A man has been arrested after police caught a driver on a provisional licence using a van and trailer with no insurance.

The driver was stopped on the road into Brockenhurst at Hawkhill Inclosure on Tuesday as part of a police operation to reduce speeding and raise awareness of animal safety in the New Forest

Both vehicles were seized. The number plates on the van and trailer were also different, police said.

Daily Echo: Officers speaking to drivers on the roadOfficers speaking to drivers on the road (Image: New Forest Heart Police)

The operation is a partnership between the police and the New Forest National Park Authority, New Forest Roads Awareness and Forestry England.

In a post on Facebook, police said: “Today’s session lasted for just over two hours and in that time 16 vehicles were stopped for speeding.

“Tickets were given to five drivers for recording speeds of 60, 55, 52, 51 and 50mph on a 40mph road – the others were spoken to by our partners in a bid to change the way they drive and to slow them down especially in the Forest.

“Again we feel that it is important to stress that the majority of drivers did stick to the speed limit and for that we are very grateful. Stay safe.”