A protest demanding safety for women and girls took place in a park after a series of incidents involving a prolific flasher.

Women, men, and children – including a 10-month-old – marched through Riverside Park on Saturday.

A call for change was at the heart of the event, organised by Naomi Lynch.

The 24-year-old spent many of her teenage days in the park with her friends having grown up in Bitterne Park.

Daily Echo: Naomi Lynch, far right with the megaphoneNaomi Lynch, far right with the megaphone (Image: Newsquest)

But she now feels the area is not safe for women or girls – even during the daytime.

She said: “We want to bring the community together today to show resilience.

“My friends and I do not come down to Riverside Park as often as we did when we were teenagers. The crime was not as bad at that time.

“When we came down here, we always felt safe and we visited as a big group of friends, which was a benefit.

“We want people to enjoy this space again and for it to be a happy place.”

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A man was recently arrested in connection with several incidents, many of which occurred in Riverside Park.

The 33-year-old from West End was arrested on suspicion of six counts of indecent exposure.

He has since been released on bail until August 15.

Daily Echo:

Despite this development, Rosalyn Day said measures are needed to deter predators.

The 54-year-old attended the protest with her 24-year-old daughter Leah.

She said: “I am here to show my support for all the women of Bitterne Park, Southampton, and any victims of sexual assault.

“I walk through here in the daytime, but I would not walk here in the evening.

“There needs to be lighting and CCTV to deter these predators, or anything that can make women and girls feel safe.”

She added: “This is a beautiful park that we are very lucky to have on our doorstep, but it would be nice to feel as though we can go on evening walks.

“Every incident that happens makes me feel less safe.”

Protestors lined the park’s footpaths with a variety of placards, chanting ‘Riverside on her side’.

Among those in attendance was newly appointed cabinet member for communities and safer cities, Cllr Christie Lambert.

She said: “As women, we tend to take things like this on the chin, but protests like this show we can speak out against it.

“There is a fantastic turnout here today.”