WASTEFUL Southampton workers who pledged to cut back on their energy use were treated to a head massage by power giant E.ON at WestQuay shopping centre.

The firm set up a relaxing Energy Oasis complete with Indian head massages, fresh fruit and deckchairs and giant beanbags to reward workers who agreed to stop wasting energy.

The move follows a survey that revealed two-thirds of the city's workers drive to work alone in a car, despite 31 per cent saying they live less than two miles from the office.

A further 19 per cent say they drive to meetings that could easily be held over the phone more than once a week.

One in 10 leave their computers and monitors switched on overnight, while 15 per cent leave lights switched on in empty rooms.

E.ON's Peter Haigh said: "Business is responsible for 40 per cent of carbon emissions in the UK and we want to help workers reduce this figure by changing bad habits, saving energy and being greener at work."