LOW-cost airline Ryanair has upped the ante in its battle with south coast rival Flybe by launching its biggest ever seat sale, with six million seats on offer for just the cost of taxes and charges.

The week-long offer, which typically sees tickets cost £10, applies to all the airline's flights from Bournemouth and its 20 other UK airports.

Rival Flybe, the biggest carrier at Southampton Airport, launched a £1.5m advertising campaign emphasising its "low fares, no compromise" message and its environmental committment.

Flybe has also redesigned its website, which goes live at the end of the week. Ryanair, headed by outspoken boss Michael O'Leary, pictured, has launched a series of verbal attacks on Flybe - a tradition continued by the airline's Ed Grimsey, who said: "Flybe is certainly not a low-fare airline. You'll struggle to find any Flybe flights for anything like this price, which is why so many passengers are choosing to fly with us from Bournemouth rather than Southampton."

Flybe declined to respond.