CITY leaders have told a major summit that Southampton must focus on its successes and its future instead of tragedies in the past.

Speaking at the inaugural Future of Work Summit held at the MAST Mayflower Studios, prominent figures told of their high hopes for the city.

Ben Clark – Director of Future Worlds from the University of Southampton - held the auditorium with his every word as he suggested the city is too quick to recognise its failings rather than focusing on its many successes.

He said: “I believe if you want to have an enormous impact on the world, you can.

“In this city, we bang on far more about the Titanic, a ship that sank… rather than the great successes we’ve had.

READ MORE: Southampton set to host Future of Work summit

“Why is that? “We speak far too often about a tragedy.

“A tragedy of leadership, a tragedy of the rich and the wealthy who thought they knew best, who then couldn’t listen to what was clear and evident when they should have, as their complacency led to a disaster.

“We seem to focus on the negative, rather than the world-changing positives that have come from this city.

“We built the Spitfire, something that had such an impact of the Second World War and preserves democracy and liberty for the world.

“The Mayflower sailed from Southampton and took the Pilgrim Fathers and the pioneers that risked everything, taking so little with them in the hope of a better life.

“Why do we not focus more on the wonderful things that come from and celebrate great diversity, great ethos and a great can-do attitude?”

Daily Echo:

Southampton City Council held the inaugural summit to hear from critical thinkers offering thoughts on how to build a better future for local residents and businesses


Council leader Councillor Satvir Kaur said: “Residents feel frustrated by either not having jobs available that match their skills and experience or are struggling to keep up with changes within their sectors that are becoming more digitalised.

“Southampton and its people have huge ambitions for themselves and our city, as they should be, because we have huge potential.”

“Southampton has changed the world and will continue to do so.“We are the place where the world meets Britain.”