SOUTHAMPTON Transition group is helping to make it easier to eat locally produced food.

The group– which works with the Daily Echo on our Eat Local Wednesdays campaign – is offering people in Southampton the chance to buy a vegetable bag or box filled with local, organic food.

The bag/box will cost £3.50 or £6 depending on the size.

The box which is suitable for two to three people is likely to include 1 kg of potatoes, 1 kg of squash (small-medium squash), 600g onions, 500g carrots, 500g parsnips, 500g beetroot, 800g swede, 350g greens.

The smaller bag, which is suitable for one person will be similar but with smaller quantities.

“At the moment we are just doing this once, but if it’s successful we’re hoping that it can continue,” said Megan Streb from Southampton Transition. “This would be a great chance to make a few orders between friends and have one of you pick it up, or consider your own fresh veg bulk buy scheme.”

Orders will be placed in lots of 25 – people will be placed on a waiting list to reach the next lot of 25.

Pick up will be from 2-4pm on Saturday, November 27 at Freemantle Community Centre.

If you are interested in ordering, e-mail or call 079 14 193 183 and say whetheryou'd like to order a veg bag or box, whether you’d like to pay by cheque or bank transfer and give a contact phone number.

You will be contacted with bank details or an address to post a cheque to.