Genre: Action

Reviewed on: Nintendo DS

Available for: DS

Publisher: Disney

Developer: Jupiter

Classification: 7+ (PEGI)

Multiplayer: Local and online Wi-Fi

The first Spectrobes was clearly very popular, being the best selling third-party Nintendo DS game in 2007. But for those of you unfamiliar with the series and its style – expect some really strange looking creatures and some even stranger names.

Rallen and Jeena are the original games protagonists and are back in Beyond the Portals to fight a new threat – High Krawl. In order to defeat High Krawl, Rallen and Jeena must traverse the universe in order to find as many of the 185 Spectrobes as they possibly can.

Spectrobes can be entered into combat two at a time and each has their own abilities. Each has it’s own elemental properties (of which there are only three) which can be strong or weak depending on which element they are fighting against. It’s almost like a game of scissors, paper, stone.

Through both combat and foraging for minerals, Spectobes can level up, making them more powerful and subsequently more valuable to the player.

There is a great deal of multiplayer action on offer as gamers can do battle in a range of different ways but ultimately trying to squash their opponents own Spectrobes.

It is clear from the storyline that the game is aimed primarily at children, as the cheesy dialogue isn’t enough to keep mature taste buds tantalised. Disney has hit their target with this though as kids are going to love it.

SCORE: 7 / 10