Genre: Flight

Reviewed on: Xbox 360

Available for: 360, PS3 and PC

Publisher: Ubisoft

Developer: Ubisoft Romania

Rating: 16+ (PEGI)

Tom Clancy the stickler for military detail and visionary of future weaponry technology is back with a brand new game and possibly even franchise. But will HAWX glide and sore with beauty and grace or will it look fat and clumsy like an overfed pigeon?

Players hoping to be the next Maverick, Goose or Iceman may be disappointed to know that the cool elements of Topgun will not be found here. This is hardcore, this is serious – this is the closest to war that any fighter jet game has ever been.

One of the first things that make a major impact with HAWX (even before the inevitable nosedive into the ground) is the fact that the graphics are actually quite beautiful. It’s no small feat to create a game with epic draw distances and minimal pop-ups but these guys clearly have.

Being one of the many of us that have never flown a fighter jet, I am unclear as to whether the planes control realistically. The fact that it never feels as though you’re travelling at an immense speed though tells me that they probably don’t.

Action can often be thick, coming at you from all around, but because of the complex and extremely detailed combat systems that lay within, it can also be frustrating and overwhelming.

With a 19-mission campaign mode that can be played over Xbox Live, Multiplayer, and a levelling-up system that rewards dedication, HAWX is enough to get fighter jet enthusiast’s juices flowing.

SCORE 6 / 10