Genre: Rhythm

Reviewed on: Nintendo Wii

Publisher: Disney

Rating: 3+ (PEGI)

Not being a little girl (although some might argue), I’ve never really taken the time to watch Hannah Montana and would be the first to admit that anybody looking on could get mighty confused.

The shows main star is not schizophrenic and about to start her own fight club, but she does go by three different names and have an alter ego. Miley Cyris plays a character called Miley Stewart who has the stage name of Hannah Montana.

Given how successful the Disney TV show has been, it was only a matter of time before the movie came out and then subsequently the release of the video game. Movie tie-ins recently have been a little surprising as titles such as Wanted or Wolverine have broken the tie-in curse and have actually been fun, playable games.

In Hannah Montana: The Movie players will spend most of their time slowly plodding around Crowley Corners, Tennessee as Miley Stewart, buying clothes and playing the occasional clumsy mini-game. And the rest of the time will be spent copying on screen actions in order for Hannah Montana to boogie on stage Sadly enough Hannah Montana doesn’t join Wanted or Wolverine in breaking the curse as it delivers little more than slow paced, unresponsive character movement with pointless and mind-numbing chat. I guess that young girls may enjoy this if they are hardcore fans of Hannah Montana, but it’s hard to imagine it keeping even a child entertained for long.

Maybe they should have gone with the schizophrenic fight club approach.

SCORE: 2 / 10