Genre: Wrestling

Platform: Xbox 360

Publisher: THQ

Classification: 16 (PEGI)

[Copy and paste last years review here.]

And that's literally what we could do if this review was only about the gameplay and the graphics - both are up to the same high standards that gamers were able to enjoy last year. So instead our prime focus will be on the changes made – and there’s quite a few of those.

The biggest change to have taken place in WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 lies within the meat of the title as the career mode has left the ring and the WWE Universe mode has revealed itself as the latest challenger to take its place. This new version has plenty of depth in the fact that the storyline grows as play goes on, reflecting the relationships that the player forms with other wrestlers.

The Road to Wrestlemania mode now has the extra functionality of being able to explore backstage to engage in conversation with other wrestlers or participate in side quests. None of this is particularly mind-blowing stuff and the bad lip-sync gives the mode a budget feel, but it does offer some welcome relief to what would otherwise just be a succession of fights.

All the creation modes have made a reappearance, and help to boost the longevity by allowing the boundaries of wrestling creativity to be the boundaries of the game. Wrestlers, storyline and matches are all easily customisable.

Physical objects such as tables and chairs, all smash in a much more realistic way, and can even be hurled at enemies. The whole system for using the weapons feels more realistic and a lot less clunky than it ever did.

So all in all it may feel and look desperately similar to last year’s game, but it’s still no less than brilliant, and the subtle changes throughout are enough to keep the gameplay fresh.

SCORE: 7 / 10