Amid a jam-packed tour Stornoway firmly ticked Southampton as they wowed the crowd at Southampton University on Saturday night.

The performance was eagerly anticipated due to the main act being one of the hot new talents on the scene.

Lead singer Brian Briggs was cheered as he stepped up on to the stage.

After a few tracks, you certainly understood that this wasn’t to be a gig where you could have dance and jump around but more of a stand back and appreciate some raw talent gig.

Armed with a folk acoustic sound, ambience and mellowness seemed to be the key to this band’s performance as crowd members shut their eyes to soak up every drop of the music.

However, with the gig being so laid back and fairly static at points, it did make me wonder if I could have got the same pleasure watching them on a screen at home.

Despite this, the lead singer’s solid voice, the use of various instruments including a ‘saw’, and an element of improvisation all created an engaging performance for all.

The special acoustic performance of The End Of The Movie, the crowd silenced so that we could hear the track stripped bare, was certainly the most memorable part of the night. This added personal touch clarified why this band are so highly acclaimed. Ewen O’Brien