After witnessing Ellie Goulding up close and personal at an acoustic gig a few months ago, I was intrigued and excited to see if she would be as good on a big stage in front of an almost packed Southampton Guildhall.

I needn’t have worried. Bursting onto the stage in front of an excitable crowd with Under The Sheets, she pounds the drums briefly before taking her place front and centre belting out song after song in her instantly recognisable tones.

Towards the middle of her set she goes acoustic, then – which I wasn't that impressed with – she did a cover of Elton John’s Your Song, which in my opinion should be left to the man himself.

Thankfully she gets back on track in the last third of the gig, belting out her much loved hits. The crowd gets fully into it and Ellie and the band really go for it, culminating in her signature song that brought to the attention of the masses, Starry Eyed. All in all a really enjoyable gig. I went away with her powerful voice going around my head. Ellie Goulding, take a bow. You deserve it.

Lee Jeffery