You might be aware but musicians in our area are expressing opinions very close to anger about X-Factor and the “sonic pollution” that talent show is producing.

In fact the next revolution in music could well be sparked by their reactions to Simon Cowell’s programme.

The trouble is musicians at the moment find it hard working together in groups of four or five, let alone 100s.

And following last year’s success at spoiling the X-Factor winner’s invariable Christmas number one more campaigns have been launched with John Cage’s four minutes of silence the likely frontrunner.

Don’t waste your money: last year’s Rage against the Machine didn’t throw a spanner in the works and this December we could well be left with quite literally nothing.

However, if you really want to dig a creative elbow into the flesh bare ribs of the flailing music industry, then buy Can’t You See My Side? the latest single from Haunted Stereo.

It’s glorious indifference to manufactured pop is a triumph on the ear and spirit.

The track was recorded in a Southampton Quaker Hall which, keyboardist Anja McCloskey told me: “had nice acoustics and lots of natural reverb,” along with being, “full of character and perfect for recording.”

The eclectic setting has produced a quintessentially English single that gets better each time you give it a spin.

They launch it at the Soul Cellar on Thursday, November 25 with support from Etao Shin and Jackie Paper.

Full details at