From BBC1’s The One Show and Watchdog and Radio 4’s Now Show, musical satirist Mitch Benn concluded his four-month UK tour at an appreciative Forest Arts.

Playing tasty guitar and backed by live keyboards, bass, and drums, Benn’s songs are original, catchy and melodic.

His unique lyrics are witty, intelligent and innovative, ranging from “Baby I love you, but not like I love my phone” to “I want an African baby, (the latest status symbol)”.

Press The Red Button Now is a satirical swipe at today’s “interactive” entertainment, Motorway Food is perceptive comment with a genuinely country music feel, and ‘Ere Keith, Get Out Of That Tree is an affectionate tribute to the Rolling Stones’ longevity.

Benn’s acerbic wit is cuttingly contemporary, discussing Anglican defections to the Catholic Church in The Pope Wants Vicars while deliciously rhyming “St Thomas Aquinas” with “vaginas”.

Today’s shopping “experience” is dissected in the booming chorus of Ikea, fashion shows get the Size Zero analysis, and Shakespeare is acknowledged with the hilarious Big Mac(Beth) rap.

Benn’s numbers are cleverly constructed and curiously therapeutic, his punchy lyrics in Break-up Song revealing all the insults we wished we’d used to all the ex-lovers who messed us around.

Mitch Benn is a very funny musician with strong vocals. However, his manic machine-gun patter is sometimes delivered so rapidly it becomes unclear. Slow down the patter Mitch – let’s enjoy it as much as the music!

Forest Arts, New Milton.

Brendan McCusker