THE Nuffield Youth Theatre’s next production of Mr Parker’s Bones is a bloodthirsty yarn of loss and murder based on a true story.

The group have teamed up with Fairbridge Solent, a young people’s charity, and community special school Great Oaks School for the show, which begins on Thursday, January 22.

Written by Russ Tunney, the writer of last year’s popular James and the Giant Peach, it tells the story of a young Southampton cabin boy who was slain and eaten by his captain and his crewmates while shipwrecked.

Get ready for an evening unlike any other in the legal history of Southampton! This intriguing and eccentric play will be held in the historic grandeur of Southampton's Magistrates Court Number 1... and the audience will decide the fate of the accused!

Other events will be taking place - such as a special exhibition of seascapes in the City Art Gallery, and a procession from the gallery into town. The show runs until Saturday, January 24 at 7.30pm each evening with a Saturday matinee at 2.30pm.

Tickets: 023 8067 1771.