ON the menu with Maskers Theatre next week is The Woman Who Cooked Her Husband.

Cookery, lust, chauvinism and cannibalism are the ingredients in Debbie Issit’s spicy take on the love triangle scenario.

Ken and Hilary have been married nearly 20 years, but as middle age approaches, Ken finds himself in the arms of another woman. At first, Laura appears to be everything that is missing from Ken’s life with Hilary. She is young, slim, attractive and a free spirit, but his little fling quickly becomes desperately out of hand.

Increasing suspicions and a web of deceit force Ken to leave Hilary.

However, Laura has one significant weakness – she can’t cook. As time passes, Ken longs for the fine meals which Hilary provided and when she invites Ken and Laura over for dinner, he accepts eagerly, little knowing what is on the menu.

Directed by Steve Cosier, the play runs from Monday to Saturday at 7.30pm in the Maskers Studio Theatre off Emsworth Road in Shirley.

Tickets at £5 from 023 8055 1489.