Simon Reade’s adaptation of Michael Morpurgo’s novel intended for youngsters (or their teachers, at least) about World War One started out as a one man show but this version is a full cast production, with memorable acting by LUCY MOORE as the mother of the brothers destined for the trenches, HANNAH KHAN as the girl they both love and TIM STOKES as a stern teacher and a sterner Sergeant.

However, Tommo remains at the centre of the story, and JOEY GRAHAM’S powerful emotional conviction engages the attention of a mostly young audience at once. He sustains the characterization admirably and even gets a few laughs out of this mostly serious role. TOM HALLIDAY and JORDAN CARRINGTON as Tommo’s brother also have their moments.

Very simple staging sometimes defeats SAM STOKES’ sound effects and director PAM LIPPIET’S attempts to recreate battles, but the compelling history behind the story casts its spell.

One Off productions, New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth.

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