Travelling around the world is a bit of a tired theme on the variety show circuit but Milton Musical Society added another dimension with their ambitious production. The show was well constructed and flowed musically and between the scenes, with some interesting song choices, representing some unusual countries.

Two travellers, Miranda (Frankie Mansfield) and Kevin (Jordan Holder) and their alien friends, Crystal (Heather Davis) and Darren (Alan Colclough) gave us a guided tour of the world, illustrated by amusing restaurant sketches, many wonderful costumes and projected postcards.

The singing wasn’t always perfect but their enthusiasm shone and the ensemble pieces were tight. Highlights included the quartet, Andy McGivney, Martin Mansfield, Matt Traher and Mike Pickford singing Welcome to Transylvania and later the jazzy We are the Gentlemen of Japan. There was some fine choreography by Ria Butterfield, encompassing many styles and the lighting and sound were spot on.

A great evening’s entertainment.

The Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Musical Galaxy Milton Musical Society Brockenhurst Village Hall, Brockenhurst.

Rebecca Case