This play is rapidly becoming a favourite of this reviewer, and this pared-down but not dumbed-down production by a very talented student company took a packed house by storm, telling its story of love tested and love compromised with clarity, wit and fun.

Director Fiona McDonnell’s stylish design set the tone, all cream set and costumes offset with splashes of green in neck scarves, masks and cloaks.

As the sparring couple Benedick and Beatrice, Tom Heasman and Hannah Cutting engaged in a delicious war of words before finally being tricked into admitting their love for each other. Jonny Baynham’s fresh-faced Claudio and Eliya Beachy’s wronged Hero both ran the gamut of emotions before their union was eventually sealed.

The towering Sam Jenkins Shaw smouldered blackly as Don John, the villain of the piece, and Matthew Ronchetti’s Don Pedro was a joy to listen to.

Much Ado About Nothing Southampton University Students’ Union Theatre Group Nuffield Annexe.

Ed Howson