Twenty maidens are swooning over Reginald Bunthorne (Frank Allen) who entertained us with his prancing and preening in this ebullient role.

This leaves the rather uncoordinated army with their noses out of joint, as they have their sights set on the ladies, until he is rivalled by the conceited and narcissistic Archibald Grosvenor (David Tatnall).

Both, however, love common milkmaid Patience (Annie Masters).

Some ferocious hair swishing ensues between the men and Archibald lowers himself to the common ranks and so the couples are defined.

The pace and entertainment picked up as the story progressed and there was some lovely singing from Patience, Lady Angela (Janet Green) and the emphatic Lady Jane (Carole Lilly).

The lower parts struggled to be heard above the orchestra at times but the sopranos soared.

The traditional take needed some innovative ideas to lift the production but overall it was entertaining with some glimpses of talent and skill.

Patience Eastleigh Operatic and Musical Society The Point, Eastleigh.

Rebecca Case