WINTER – times is ‘ard. Spare a copper for the poor Cratchit family at the corner… Mister Scrooge is having none of it.

“Christmas? Bah Humbug!” But sshh!

Look, it’s Marley’s spooky ghost come to teach Scrooge a lesson.

The three mischievous Spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Ye t to Come, work their special magic. Mr and Mrs Fezziwig chortle fit to bursting, Bob Cratchit sings the sweetest Christmas song to Tiny Tim, and slowly, oh so slowly, the snow frozen around Mister Scrooge’s heart begins to melt… perhaps the Cratchits will get turkey and plum pudding after all!A joyous tale,and huge for children and grown-ups of all ages, with a chance to join in if you like,and a prize for the Dad with the best Christmas hat, A Christmas Carol has opened at The Nuffield and runs until Saturday January 8.

■ For tickets, call 023 8067 1771 or visit