IT would be easy to dismiss as actor-proof this extremely funny and acutely observed play, with music by Tim Firth (Calendar Girls), about primary school children putting on their annual Nativity play.

But for adults to play children credibly requires much hard work, accuracy of voice and movement, and deadpan delivery to put across the children’s characters, relationships and insecurities.

This the production achieved perfectly, and credit must go to Paul Sumpner and his talented cast, led by bossy Virgin Mary (Julie Curry), jealous Angel Gabriel (Emma Reid), menacing Innkeeper (Dave Wiseman, with Hammer horror music) and worldly-wise Shepherd (Kay Sumpner), with Steve Arnott as both Star and Ass perhaps having some of the very best moments.

As the children’s production ends, the same actors then play their respective parents and in a brief but poignant scene it becomes abundantly clear why the children behave as they do.

Ed Howson The Flint Street Nativity – Portchester Players,Ashcroft Arts Centre, Fareham.

Ed Howson