RAODS offered a perfect antidote to the doom and gloom of the economy and the current cold weather with an uproarious version of Michael Frayn’s farce.

A farce within a farce, focusing on a touring company putting on a farce Nothing On, the play remains as snappy and fresh as ever.

The RAODS production was beautifully paced and choreographed and blessed by an array of excellent performances.

The actors showed not only great comic timing but a real talent for physical comedy.

The second act, which was set backstage and involved much running around and physical gags, was played to perfection, eliciting some of the biggest laughs of the evening. The impressive revolving set was a credit to the ingenuity of the designers. It was an important extra character within the play and was justly given its own applause at the start of the evening. Immense fun. Noises Off, RAODS, Plaza Theatre, Romsey. Karen Robson