The Victory Hall was soon rocking with laughter after Wicked Witch Piccalilli (the excellent Pam Hill) initially had the packed audience hissing and booing.

Mark Rogers as Rancid the Ratman, her partner in crime, Karen Holloway (Jack) and Jordan McGarry (Simple Simon) all performed with great confidence, ably supported by Pete Brown as bumbling King Hubert and his nagging Queen, Hyacinth (Moyra Race).

Mike Ford as Dame Dotty Dibble was the real star though and his impeccable comedy timing brightened the stage, aided by Alison Edmondson and Jade Gulliford-Laishley as knockabout duo Snatchet and Scarper.

Fairy Sugardust, youngster Lynsey Dickle, linked scenes with confidence and the whole performance was faultless from curtain-up to encore with bright sets, costumes and sound quality.

Excellent musical accompaniment ensured that director Anne Ford left little for this critic to criticise and the back-projected footage of Jack climbing the beanstalk was an inventive, magical touch.

Alan Johns