Bringing a very apt panto considering their naval connections, Collingwood RSC gave a committed ensemble performance. The musical numbers lacked sparkle at times, but the fight scene between the pirates and the ship’s crew made up for this with real gusto and energy.

Bex Hannigan stood out as Sinbad and was well supported by Sarah Miatt (Princess Yasmin). Robin Sheppard (Semolina) worked hard throughout to keep the audience engaged, despite his efforts this panto was very long and would have benefited from some streamlining.

Liz Philo (Vazar) was convincing in her first role as a baddie, ably supported by sidekick Tim Stokes (Hassan). Megan Rae Mullins (Monty) is a star in the making, with great stage presence and Chris Blatch-Gainey (Camel) obviously enjoyed his cameo role.

The set was simple and props were kept to a minimum, the use of UV paint and lighting made an effective backdrop.

Sinbad The Sailor Collingwood RSC HMS Collingwood, Fareham.

Gwen Moulster