Hood Burdock Valley Players Upper Clatford Hall, Upper Clatford Hood is a full-length musical based on romantic and moralistic Olde English folklore and legend, Robin Hood. It combines a number of musical styles, with a distinct Disney folk rock feel.

The set (Jill Lloyd) provided just the right atmosphere, with its dark forest and dank castle with projection setting the opening scene. The props, costumes and lighting all added to the unfolding story and showed good attention to detail. Marian (Chloe Black) stole the show vocally, giving us lovely duets, especially with faithful maid, Leticia (Aimee Hoyle). Courted against her will by the gruff and imposing Sheriff of Nottingham (Andy Poore) and saved by the dashing Robin Hood (Jake Ward) this show brought some classic and original ideas and production elements to the myth. Live music would have lifted the production considerably but the cast worked well with the soundtrack. The matinee performance flagged at times but was entertaining overall.

Hood Burdock Valley Players Upper Clatford Hall, Upper Clatford.

Rebecca Case