A MIDDLE-AGED woman was attacked and raped while walking near a Hampshire railway station, jurors heard.

A stranger, named as Timothy Foster, who had just got off a London-bound train, pinned her to the ground shortly after helping her to cross a muddy patch on a footpath and assaulted her, it was alleged.

Foster also took money from her discarded jacket but left her mobile phone, the court was told.

As soon as he walked off, she rang the police, who arrested him within minutes.

Prosecutor Maria Lamb said: “A police officer found her in a state of shock. She was saturated in mud and water. Her hair was matted with mud but she was able to give a remarkable account of what had happened.”

The barrister told Southampton Crown Court how the married woman in her 50s had gone for a walk along a footpath bordering Ashurst station.

Foster jumped over a fence and the woman suddenly became aware of him walking beside her, she said.

She then reached a wet and muddy area that was difficult to cross but Foster, said Ms Lamb, leapt ahead of her and as she took a running jump to clear it, he put out an arm to steady her.

They exchanged pleasantries as they walked in the same direction but the woman suddenly became “apprehensive” and decided to turn back to where there were other people around.

“She turned and he leapt on her back,” said Ms Lamb. “It all happened within seconds.

She fought back but in the struggle she went to the ground breaking her wrist, disabling her in the fight,” she added.

The woman continued to struggle and let out two long, loud, piercing screams that were heard by two people pitching a tent on the opposite side of the railway line.

“She lashed out with her legs but he knelt across her, pulled up her upper clothing and pulled down her jeans before raping her,” said Ms Lamb.

“She fought back but he dragged or manhandled her a short distance towards a ditch, pinning her down so her face was in mud and water. It was at this point her upper clothing might have come off,” said Ms Lamb.

“But then he suddenly stopped, went to her jacket and demanded money.

“He went through her pockets, taking a small amount of money, but missed her mobile phone, and then walked off. She struggled to her feet and dialled 999.”

Foster returned to the station where a police officer recognised his description and arrested him.

The victim’s DNA was found on him and she later picked him out in an identification parade.

The court heard the defendant’s case was that the woman had consented to sex.

Foster, 26, of Westwey Road, Weymouth, denies rape and another serious sex assault.
