MORE than 200 people came together in Portchester's shopping precinct to offer their thoughts and prayers to those in the armed forces.

Dozens of war veterans were joined by friends, families, and civic dignitaries for the annual Portchester Remembers Parade and Remembrance ceremony from the Fareham branch of The Royal British Legion.

Organised and performed with military precision in mind, the parade of former servicemen lead the commemorations with the drums, bugles and pipers of Nautical Training Corps Band of TS Explorer and detachments from both TS Explorer and TS Tenacity.

Honouring comrades from both world wars and conflicts past and present, veterans stood together with servicemen and women of all ages as the crowded street fell silent as the 11th hour passed.

Remembering the founder of the Portchester service, Cdr Shaw praised the work of the late decorated veteran David Nash, who started the parade nine years ago and died in July this year.

"David was instrumental in starting and organising the annual Portchester Remembers Parade," he said.

"Trying to organise it this year has been very difficult without him.

"It is important we carried it on and we want to evolve it so that we attract more young people and that we pay further tribute to those people who are involved with present-day conflicts."