MORE than 5,000 concerned Daily Echo readers have backed our campaign to protect the rights of Hampshire pensioners to free bus travel.

Completed copies of our petition urging the government to ensure an appeal from bus operators does not jeopardise the countywide scheme are still pouring in.

Bus companies say they should receive more cash when pensioners use their passes, but fears have been raised that local councils would not be able to afford higher bills for the passes.

Opponents have argued operators are not incurring extra costs from carrying pensioners on buses that would be running anyway, and want to see the government reject the calls for more cash. The Daily Echo campaign has received the backing of charities for the elderly, Hampshire's MPs and councillors, pensioners' groups, and even Saints legend Lawrie McMenemy.

Wartime icon Dame Vera Lynn added her famous voice to those calling for free travel for the elderly to be safeguarded. Chris Perry, the director of Age Concern Hampshire, who has backed the campaign from the start, believes the number of signatures reflects how important people feel the issue is. Urging readers who have not yet signed to do so, Mr Perry explained that mobility is key to pensioners' health.

"It's vitally important," he said. "Lack of transport can be a great cause of social isolation, which can lead to a whole range of health problems like depression, apathy and malnutrition.

You can download the petition from our website at Completed copies should be sent to Jon Reeve, Southern Daily Echo, Newspaper House, Test Lane, Redbridge, Southampton SO16 9JX.