DYLAN Thomas' classic radio play Under Milk Wood is vividly brought to life on the Plaza stage this week.

Amateur company R.A.O.D.S. have uniquely interpreted this well-loved piece.

Their show brings to life all the famous characters that people have grown to know and love, only through the pages of a usually well thumbed script.

Captain Cat, Polly Garter and the Reverend Eli Jenkins all sleep, wake and make their individual way through a day in the life of the small Welsh sea-side town of Llaregyb.

Alongside them a whole range of colourful characters join in to give an insight into their thoughts and feelings about both their own situations and often more interestingly, others.

R.A.O.D.S. recently had the privilege to present 60-year service medals to the two longest standing members of their society Vin Richards and Dottie Latham who both appear in this show.

Vin plays the Bard of Llaregyb, the Rev Eli Jenkins while Dottie plays one of Llaregybs oldest inhabitants, Mary Ann Sailors.

Both Vin and Dottie joined R.A.O.D.S. when it reformed after the Second World War in 1946 and have been active both on stage and off since then.

This is Dotties third appearance on stage in a R.A.O.D.S. production this year and as yet neither she nor Vin show any signs of slowing down.

They have brought their combined years of experience to this production and it has been a joy for some of the younger cast to learn from them.

Under Milkwood is being performed from Monday to November 25 at 7.30pm.

Tickets: from £6. Box office: 01794 512987.