A SCHOOL has explained why a pupil went hungry after having his peanut butter sandwiches taken away over nut allergy fears.

Tyler Gibbs, 5, did not have his sandwiches during the lunch hour because his Holbury school bans pupils from bringing in anything that contains nuts to safeguard those who have allergies to them.

Tyler's mum, Mary Gibbs, of Cadland Park, Holbury, pictured right with her son, criticised the Manor Infant School for failing to offer her son an alternative.

Mrs Gibbs, 21, who is married to Tyler's lorry driver dad Tim, 43, said she accepted that the nut spread could pose a problem to other children, but was not aware of the ban. "They should have given him something properly. They have school dinners there and I am sure they have some left over they could have given him."

Today it emerged that according to the school, the sandwiches were only removed after the youngster said he didn't want them. It was then that staff noticed they contained peanut butter and that he was sitting at a table alongside a child who had a nut allergy.

Head teacher Gillian Hamer said the sandwiches were offered to him again after he had moved tables but again he refused them before accepting an apple to eat from staff.

Mrs Hamer, who has the support of the school's governing body, said: "The majority of children bring in a packed lunch.

"If any of the children who bring their own lunch from home into school decide that they don't want or like it, we do not provide them with an alternative."

The school told parents in a newsletter not to put nut items in lunches. There are two pupils with nut allergy at the school. Hampshire County Council's executive member for education David Kirk said they acted in the best interests of all the children.