I WAS sorry to see in the Echo that Radio Solent is losing listeners, but have to admit to being one of those people who has turned it off.

Sadly Solent seems to have got rid of the presenters who had some sort of character about them, i.e. Nick Girder, Sandi Jones and Silv Willoughby to name a few.

Their programmes were always witty and interesting and they were capable of holding intelligent conversations. Today's presenters seem to be relentlessly cheerful, but their programmes lack interesting content and consist of too many records and too much inane chatter. Now that Peter White, Denis Skillercorn and Chris Walker have also gone, there is very little left to listen to (except Julian Clegg and Richard Cartridge).

To get Radio Solent back on track, I suggest they employ presenters with personality and intelligence, to broadcast programmes that are more interesting and more educational. At the moment it is all a bit like bland wallpaper!

JOY PLUMMER, Southampton.