TEENAGERS are causing havoc in a Hampshire village by stealing residents' wheelie bins and setting them on fire.

Councillors and residents in West End are growing increasingly concerned following a spate of recent bin thefts.

Groups of teenagers have been taking bins from outside houses and dragging them to nearby Hatch Grange where they are then set alight.

The gangs are thought to be aged about 16 and have been spotted setting them alight on two nights.

West End Parish Council says it has been growing increasingly concerned about the problem, which it says it first noticed during the summer.

The parish's youth and community worker, Chris Walsh, said: "Bin burning is something that has crept into West End over the last year.

"The teenagers say they are just burning the bins to keep warm, but if they are cold why don't they stay indoors or better still come to the youth club?"

He added: "It's very worrying, not only for West End but for society and the wider community.

"We work really hard with local youths - but they can't be forced to listen. Unfortunately there are kids who want to be outside on the streets.

"Burning the bins in the middle of the winter is idiotic and we will report anyone to the police, because someone is going to have a serious accident."

Council clerk, Laura Cooke, said: "Each time they do it they drag the bins further into the woods to avoid being caught.

"It is only a matter of time before one of them is injured by the fire, or more serious fire damage is caused to a beautiful parkland used by many parishioners.

"The mess these fires make take a huge amount of time to clear up, and they burn large areas of grass."

Eastleigh Council said that the news came as a shock.

A spokesman said: "The council has only recently learnt of the incidents and is now working with the local youth services and police, including community support officers, to investigate the matter.

"This is a dangerous practice and one the council takes very seriously as it involves theft, criminal damage and arson.

"We advise residents to report any incidents on the 101 police number and wherever possible keep their wheelie bins out of sight."