THE Sikh community celebrated Vaisakhi with the Mayor of Southampton.

Cllr Derek Burke joined the community for the event at Singh Sabha Gurdwara in Onslow Road.

He will be present at the annual Vaisakhi flat raising ceremony at the Civic Centre on Sunday at 9.45am.

Cllr Burke will also join the vibrant Vaisakhi procession starting from Gurdwara Nanak Sar from 1pm.

The community event, which is organised by the Council of Southampton Gurdwaras, is open to everyone to attend.

The procession takes in Onslow Road, Derby Road, Northbrook Road, Brintons Road, and Charlotte Place roundabout, before visiting London Road and travelling back along The Avenue.

Vaisakhi – the Sikh New Year – marks the birth of the Sikh nation in 1699 and has been celebrated in the city for more than 20 years.

For more information on this year’s Vaisakhi celebrations contact Harjap Singh on 07775 660007 or Ravinder Singh Karir on 07886 528696.