Crew members from HMS Illustrious had a very different type of run ashore in Dublin during a recent visit.

A team of over 20 runners from the amphibious helicopter carrier competed in the Dublin 10 km night run last weekend.

The event, organised by Tourism Ireland, took 5,700 runners on a circuit of the Irish capital incorporating many of the key landmarks along the River Liffey, including the Guinness factory.

The winning time was 30.29 minutes for the male competitors and 34.47 minutes for the females.

Surgeon Lt Cdr Simon Kershaw-Yates was the first of “Lusty’s” male runners to cross the line with a time of 39.50 minutes and CPO Medical Technician Claire Mclennan was the fastest female with a time of 48.38 minutes.

Commander John Voyce, one of Lusty’s veteran runners, said: “I was really impressed with the number of runners we fielded and there were some very credible individual performances.

“We were delighted to have the opportunity to compete in this great event. With around 200 calories in a pint of Guinness, maybe we can learn a lot from Irish training methods.”