SOUTH coast sailor Mike Golding this morning plucked rival skipper Alex Thomson to safety after a dramatic rescue in the treacherous Southern Oceans.

Both sailors were taking part in the solo 30,000-mile Velux 5 Oceans race when, off the coast of South Africa, Alex Thomson was forced to abandon ship after his yacht Hugo Boss capsized in heavy seas.

Alex was asleep in his bunk when he was thrown across the cabin. The keel on his yacht had suffered irreparable damage and his boat capsized.

In fierce winds, fellow Hampshire skipper Mike Golding turned around to rescue his rival. He sailed up alongside Alex's life-raft and plucked the stranded sailor to safety.

Alex's yacht will be left to sink while Golding sails them both to Fremantle, Western Australia.

Alex said: "I can't believe it. I am absolutely gutted."