YOUTHS went berserk with a pickaxe and a garden rake after bursting into a Hampshire restaurant.

Diners were forced to leap over a counter and escape through a back door to avoid being injured in the incident, which followed a brawl between two groups of teenagers.

The punch-up started near the Ashley Hotel in Ashley Road, New Milton, and eventually spread to the Menly Chinese restaurant.

Some of the teenagers involved in the fight stole tools from a parked van and used them as weapons.

Police say one of the youths smashed the restaurant window with a pickaxe, narrowly missing a seven-year-old child.

Det Con Brett Sanders said: "We believe a group of about 20 youths were involved in the original disturbance and up to four people subsequently went into the restaurant with weapons.

"They included a pickaxe and a garden rake, which were used to attack customers.

"Several people were injured and the remainder were so fearful that they leapt over the counter and escaped through the back of the premises.

Trapped' "Others were trapped in the restaurant but eventually escaped through the front door."

Det Con Sanders said several local youths aged between 17 and 20 were injured and needed hospital treatment but none were detained.

He added: "It was only through luck that none of those hurt received life-threatening injuries.

"Innocent members of the public were in the restaurant at the time and were traumatised by what happened.

"One of them described it as like watching a recording of a hold-up at an American convenience store."

A restaurant spokesman said: "A few youngsters came in for a Chinese and about 20 others were outside the shop.

"I was taking orders and heard a big bang, then someone came in with a pickaxe and started attacking customers. Three people were hurt - one had head injuries and one of the others suffered an injured arm.

"It was very frightening.

"I've been in England for 30 years and I've never seen anything like it."

Police are attempting to establish if any of the people in the restaurant had been involved in the original disturbance.

Detectives are appealing for anyone in the building who witnessed the incident, or knows who was involved, to contact them.

The brawl took place last Saturday after 11pm.