A HAMPSHIRE village has launched a week of carnival celebrations that will include a parade through the parish.

The theme of this year’s Sway Carnival is The Magic of the Musicals and several Hollywood blockbusters are likely to be represented when the procession moves off on Friday evening.

Hundreds of villagers are expected to line the streets as the floats make their way through the parish.

The procession will be followed the next day with a village fete at Jubilee Field. Attractions will include morris dancing, a birds of prey demonstration and a fun dog show.

Carnival celebrations began at the weekend with a scarecrow competition, a children’s fun run and a beer and cider festival at the Hare and Hounds pub.

Today’s line-up features a teddy bear’s picnic at the village hall and a children’s disco at Sway Social Club.

A Western Cowboy barbecue at The Silver Hind pub tomorrow will be followed on Wednesday by a cream tea at the Shelbourne Senior Living old people’s home, a cricket match at Jubilee Field and a beetle drive at the Church Rooms. Celebrations continue on Thursday with a quiz night at the Hare and Hounds and a bangers and mash supper at Sway Tennis Club. A family disco based on Saturday Night Fever will be held at the social club on Saturday.

Carnival week will come to a close on Sunday with a family picnic service of thanksgiving at the Church Rooms. Tea and cake will be provided.